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Great Western Railway

Operator: FirstGroup

Period to: 31/03/2024 31/03/2023 Change 31/03/2022 31/03/2021 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 Change since 2019
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 £001 £000 %
Fares Income 1,039,522 903,944 15.0% 575,333 172,345 1,008,873 1,045,292 (0.6%)
Other income 89,610 49,387 81.4% 118,917 101,386 129,873 86,418 3.7%
Total Revenue 1,129,132 953,331 18.4% 694,251 273,732 1,138,746 1,131,710 (0.2%)
Operating Costs:                
Staff 402,087 353,156 13.9% 369,771 367,390 366,551 366,405 9.7%
Diesel Fuel 59,046 73,313 (19.5%) 46,350 28,071 49,147 55,334 6.7%
Rolling Stock 529,738 517,143 2.4% 491,509 514,612 473,009 390,843 35.5%
Track access 268,045 251,121 6.7% 132,355 199,132 189,656 256,531 4.5%
Other 179,816 159,307 12.9% 319,820 255,038 320,695 192,809 (6.7%)
Total 1,438,733 1,354,040 6.3% 1,359,805 1,364,243 1,399,058 1,261,922 14.0%
Operating Profit before grant/premium: (309,601) (400,710) (22.7%) (665,555) (1,090,511) (260,312) (130,212) 137.8%
Net subsidy/premium 336,280 421,146 (20.2%) 697,594 1,132,366 313,890 190,293 76.7%
Operating Profit  26,679 20,437 30.5% 32,039 41,854 53,578 60,081 (55.6%)
Operating Margin pre-grant (27.4%) (42.0%)   (95.9%) (398.4%) (22.9%) (11.5%)  
Operating Margin post grant 2.4% 2.1%   4.6% 15.3% 4.7% 5.3%  
Operating Profit to Operating Cost 1.9% 1.5%   2.4% 3.1% 3.8% 4.8%