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Cross Country

Operator: Arriva

Period to: 31/03/2024 31/03/2023 Change 31/03/2022 31/03/2021 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 Change since 2019
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 £001 £000 %
Fares Income 468,035 397,663 17.7% 277,178 78,663 542,210 579,744 (19.3%)
Other income 2,523 2,622 (3.8%) 1,875 426 5,444 6,240 (59.6%)
Total Revenue 470,558 400,285 17.6% 279,053 79,089 547,654 585,984 (19.7%)
Operating Costs:                
Staff 125,322 114,579 9.4% 115,395 118,432 114,835 116,244 7.8%
Diesel Fuel 47,368 59,536 (20.4%) 42,084 28,211 40,820 40,524 16.9%
Rolling Stock 180,539 184,889 (2.4%) 42,574 43,099 45,092 51,367 251.5%
Track access 157,267 156,428 0.5% 151,514 143,163 135,585 116,939 34.5%
Other 31,443 46,729 (32.7%) 180,994 192,188 177,467 173,337 (81.9%)
Total 541,939 562,162 (3.6%) 532,561 525,093 513,798 498,410 8.7%
Operating Profit before grant/premium: (71,381) (161,877) (55.9%) (253,508) (446,004) 33,856 87,574 (181.5%)
Net subsidy/premium 72,083 167,065 (56.9%) 258,691 445,291 (6,936) (68,036) (205.9%)
Operating Profit  702 5,188 (86.5%) 5,183 (713) 26,920 19,538 (96.4%)
Operating Margin pre-grant (15.2%) (40.4%)   (90.8%) (563.9%) 6.2% 14.9%  
Operating Margin post grant 0.1% 1.3%   1.9% (0.9%) 4.9% 3.3%  
Operating Profit to Operating Cost 0.1% 0.9%   1.0% (0.1%) 5.2% 3.9%