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Operator: Arriva

Period to: 31/03/2024 31/03/2023 Change 31/03/2022 31/03/2021 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 Change since 2019
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 £001 £000 %
Fares Income 191,555 171,314 11.8% 116,608 33,212 230,388 244,518 (21.7%)
Other income 18,561 12,754 45.5% 11,734 6,309 21,124 21,821 (14.9%)
Total Revenue 210,116 184,069 14.2% 128,342 39,521 251,512 266,339 (21.1%)
Operating Costs:                
Staff 65,820 59,636 10.4% 57,027 57,544 57,199 58,071 13.3%
Diesel Fuel 13,918 16,765 (17.0%) 11,972 11,677 13,796 16,198 (14.1%)
Rolling Stock 37,481 19,441 92.8% 11,807 10,051 9,824 24,825 51.0%
Track access 60,708 55,318 9.7% 50,221 48,851 48,277 48,887 24.2%
Other 67,694 51,064 32.6% 57,855 81,161 82,580 65,747 3.0%
Total 245,623 202,224 21.5% 188,882 209,283 211,675 213,729 14.9%
Operating Profit before grant/premium: (35,507) (18,155) 95.6% (60,539) (169,762) 39,837 52,610 (167.5%)
Net subsidy/premium 38,914 20,403 90.7% 63,018 162,679 (46,189) (56,091) (169.4%)
Operating Profit  3,407 2,248 51.6% 2,478 (7,083) (6,352) (3,481) (197.9%)
Operating Margin pre-grant (16.9%) (9.9%)   (47.2%) (429.5%) 15.8% 19.8%  
Operating Margin post grant 1.6% 1.2%   1.9% (17.9%) (2.5%) (1.3%)  
Operating Profit to Operating Cost 1.4% 1.1%   1.3% (3.4%) (3.0%) (1.6%)