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West Midlands

Operator: Transport UK Group/Mitsui & Co JV

Period to: 31/03/2024 31/03/2023 Change 31/03/2022 31/03/2021 31/03/2020 31/03/2019 Change since 2019
  £000 £000 % £000 £000 £001 £000 %
Fares Income 357,627 310,123 15.3% 216,815 72,589 388,223 393,266 (9.1%)
Other income 30,439 31,115 (2.2%) 71,719 49,716 70,401 63,508 (52.1%)
Total Revenue 388,066 341,238 13.7% 288,535 122,305 458,624 456,774 (15.0%)
Operating Costs:                
Staff 193,448 178,079 8.6% 170,795 179,281 169,487 159,920 21.0%
Diesel Fuel 8,739 6,867 27.3% 7,535 8,314 0 0 #DIV/0!
Rolling Stock 106,441 98,580 8.0% 87,321 98,051 96,408 90,747 17.3%
Track access 177,162 159,192 11.3% 145,238 120,167 112,126 132,510 33.7%
Other 200,122 162,934 22.8% 226,340 172,871 170,104 167,543 19.4%
Total 685,912 605,652 13.3% 637,229 578,685 548,125 550,721 24.5%
Operating Profit before grant/premium: (297,845) (264,414) 12.6% (348,694) (456,380) (89,501) (93,947) 217.0%
Net subsidy/premium 308,124 275,010 12.0% 333,137 469,058 111,692 134,197 129.6%
Operating Profit  10,279 10,596 (3.0%) (15,557) 12,678 22,191 40,250 (74.5%)
Operating Margin pre-grant (76.8%) (77.5%)   (120.9%) (373.1%) (19.5%) (20.6%)  
Operating Margin post grant 2.6% 3.1%   (5.4%) 10.4% 4.8% 8.8%  
Operating Profit to Operating Cost 1.5% 1.7%   (2.4%) 2.2% 4.0% 7.3%